Exhibition Activities
Albania’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy has received four applications for solar projects witha total installed capacity of 235 MW. The projects are planned to be built in the country’sphotovoltaic hub Fier region, the largest of which will be the second largest solar facility in AlbaniaAt present, solar power accounts for 6% of Albania’s total electricity generation, with more than halof the PV generation coming from the Karavasta plant, which is the largest PV facility in the WesternBalkans with a peak capacity of 140 MW.
French company Voltalia won the long-term power purchase agreement for the Calavasta projectthrough a state-sponsored auction in 2020 and the concession for the Spitalla solar power plant ina subsequent auction. At the end of last year, Voltalia launched the construction of a 100 MW solarpower system near Durras in western Albania. Now, another 100 MW project is planned, which isexpected to be the second largest PV facility in the country.
A company called Euron Solar-PV has submitted an application to the Albanian Ministry ofInfrastructure and Energy for the construction of a 100 MW Solar power plant in the villages otFushe and Povelce, near Fier City. The project is currently in its initial stages and the public has twoweeks to submit comments and objections. Euron Solar-PV said that the project will not enjoy anypreferential policies or support measures.
In addition, Rozafa applied to build a 40 MW photovoltaic facility in the village of Shmil near the cityof Elbasan, while Greensol plans to build a 50 MW solar power plant in the Bistrica area of VloraCounty. Agro liria Group plans to build a 45 MW solar project in the city of Diviaka in Fier Districtclose to the Karavasta plant. Agro lliria Group is mainly engaged in the production of crops such aspomegranates and goji berries.